

【平台】:Oculus Quest(第三方游戏)




加入著名的UFO研究人员Stanton Hynek博士,帮助解开围绕UFO现象的奥秘和阴谋。


Straight from the vaults at Area 51, Ashtar is a mind blowing immersive narrative designed to reveal the truth about what lies beyond the stars.

Join famed UFO researcher Dr. Stanton Hynek and help unravel the mysteries and conspiracies surrounding the UFO phenomena.

Prepare yourself to meet the Ashtar Galactic Command, somewhere between the Pleiades and another dimension.

Based on real UFO cases, Ashtar takes players to another universe for a momentary glimpse into the truth and history surrounding the pop culture phenomena of Flying Saucers.

Oculus Quest游戏《Ashtar》阿什塔尔–UFO外星人下载安装说明查看 https://img.dashiyouxi.com/498.html